aku pun xtau ape yg dh aku buat sepanjang 5 bulan lbh aku dh x berblog nih..
well i must say dat soooooo many things had happen during theessseee daysss..
i suppose i shud upd8 more since i got my own android..
but i'm not sure..
btul ckp org, makin byk kemudahan makin kite akn lalai..
lalai mcmne eh?
cnth plg senang is technology that we currently use..
makin maju teknologi nih, makin kurang interaksi antara manusia..
in terms of communications..
makin maju teknologi,makin manusia eberinteraksi menggunakan teknologi tersebut..
what makes it becomes harder for human to communicate face to face..
ckp senang lah kan.. tp cermin diri sendiri sudah..
kite sume xmau tertinggal oleh arus kemajuan..
semua org nak maju kehadapan bersame2 dgn kemajuan teknologi yg ade..
samada mampu atau x..
sume mahukan ipad, iphone, androids,tablets, dan pelbagai jenis teknologi maklumat yg lain..
kalo blh selagi termampu, kite mahukan yang terbaik..
tp bile dpt je bnde2 tersebut, las2, yg kite bukak, fb,twitter dan instagram..
xde pon gne utk bnde2 lain kan?
so weird isnt it?
well muhasabah diri seblum ramadhan agknye aku ni hari ni..
owh well before i end my writings(ceh, poyos) i wud like to say, slamat menyambut ramadhan yg penuh barakah ini, n plus, pls b gud as the syaiton had been arrested during this whole month.. jgn jd setan plak eh.. hehe..
slm rmdhn syaza=)
salam ramadhan.. =)
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